Comments on: The Daily: What Crosby Contract Delay Means; NHL Draft Study Your new home for the best Detroit Red Wings coverage Wed, 11 Sep 2024 08:29:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark W Wed, 11 Sep 2024 08:29:59 +0000 Really enjoyed reading Dan Kingerski’s take -see link above- on Sid and the Pens. Its great to have that look around the league option we get with our DHN membership.

D.K. writes that the stat site EDGE has some A-typical NHL stats which document the old and slow teams such as the Pens who are talking rebuild in 25-26. Or (in my opinion) perhaps as soon as this coming season if they aren’t playing competitive Hockey at some point.

Kingerski writes that tanking for a generational talent is viewed as being preferable to “wandering the abyss” like Buffalo Detroit and others have done. To his credit he does mention that such talent isn’t always there at #1.

And who do the Pens trade away for rebuilding draft choices ? Sid’s a lifer and beyond him the cupboard is not well stocked with desirable talent or bargain prices. The rebuild Abyss is approaching Pittsburgh. Pending a last ditch minor miracle the “we don’t do that” tanking order MAY be unofficially given…maybe. But that’s why they play the games. Maybe anything can happen.
